Operation Paperback
What is Operation Paperback?
"Operation Paperback is a national, non-profit organization, whose volunteers collect gently-used books and send them to American troops overseas, as well as veterans and military families here at home. Since 1999, we have shipped over 2.9 million books to countries all over the world (shown in orange on the adjacent map).
Our service members and their families make sacrifices every day for our country. It takes so little to let them know that they are appreciated. When you donate to Operation Paperback, you will let America’s military community know that you appreciate their service and their sacrifices."
I come from a military family. My parents, my cousins, my husband, my father-in-law, my uncles, my grandparents... The list goes on. I'm volunteering with Operation Paperback as a way to give back to those who sacrifice everything for us. It's a small gesture, but as readers, we know the magic of escaping into a good book is unmatched.
SO, if you'd like to help, send some books my way! (No romance, please. This is per Operation Paperback's guidelines - apparently, they receive A LOT of this genre, and there just isn't much request for them). They're looking for mystery, thrillers, action, horror, science fiction, non-fiction, etc. Gently used paperbacks in decent condition, please! (Hardcovers are a no-go).
You can send them to: